Wednesday, February 02, 2005

before I sleep....

Alright, I need to do some readings and then go to bed. Now that Sarah's done making fun of my Harry Potter obsession after I admitted knowing the name of her new baby (Mackenzie).

But tonight was fun because:

1. I talked on the phone with my sister and my mom
2. I prank called Lauren with the Napolean Dynamite soundboard from eBAUMS World (see previous post)...CLASSIC. I actually love that movie even though others think it's weird. Seriously, when he tries to pick up that girl by saying "you know, you don't have to drink 1%'re NOT could get away with drinking whole milk" just made me laugh so much. That was the only part that Lauren laughed at. Sorry our movie date was a bust, Lo.
3. A lot of people were on MSN
4. I got to impress Sarah with my fun facts on the upcoming Harry Potter movie
5. I'm going home on Thursday morning which is now TOMORROW


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