Friday, May 13, 2005

Jobless in Oakville I think I'm cursed from ever writing in this blog again. For the first time in forever, I decided to write something today, and when I went to do it, it just so happened that the "blog Gods AKA the administration" were closed for a ten minute period right then. Coincidence? I think NOT.

Being at home has been better than expected, mostly because my parents have been suprisingly nice about me not having a job yet. And I've gotten together with some friends from Oakville, and that whole things been kind of nice. But then I look at pictures of Peache and Western and stuff, and it starts to feel like that part of my life was a long time ago. I think part of it is because I was so sad to leave, so I've had to distance myself a little bit from it, just for a little while though, because I know that next year is going to be SO good. And this summer is going to be SO good too. Except one good ingredient of summer is about to be taken away:

Why do all the good tv shows have to end when you finally have time to watch them?
This summer, I've spent copious amounts of time watching tons of shows. American Idol. Amazing Race. Lost. America's Next Top Model. Lost. THe O.C. CSI. ER. Lost. The list goes on. But as season finales pass by, I will have less and less things to fill my days with.

Now, the next Harry Potter book comes out soon, I know, and that will definately give me something to do. For that short period that it takes me to read those 704 pages. But let's face it, the last book was even longer than this one, and I finished it in just over a day. Mind you, I hardly slept. More than something to do, I NEED to always have something to look forward to. I'm a bit anal that way. Each week, I anticipate the next Lost episode so much, it's kind of weird. I go through stages:

1. Excitement over the preview for the next episode
2. Dissapointment (right after an episode) b/c I won't have another episode for a week
3. Weaning period from about Friday until Sunday when I don't think about it
4. Anxiety- when will Wednesday come?
5. Tuesday night- extreme excitement- Lost is tomorrow!!
6. Wednesday morning- a few butterflies in stomach- it's so soon
7. Wednesday right before--> I just feel pretty freakin' great.

Now, those steps are slightly less exaggerated now, b/c outside of Peache, I don't know a whole lot of people who watch the show, who I can obsess with. But there will still be that part of me that will be empty with Lost done soon. [tear], what am I going to do with myself? Therefore, I think I need a new hobby. I'm open to suggestions.

This thus concludes my most pointless blog yet. Not a distinction that I value, but I'll take it, and promise that I'll try to find something interesting to write about next time. Until then.


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