Friday, February 11, 2005 new hero!

The other day, after I made a quiz, several other people sent me their quizzes. I did really well on some (Andrea and Sarah's) and REALLY badly on others (I suck Steph....but your questions were HARD). But never have I been so surprised as when I got 7/10 on Bruce's quiz after only knowing him for a few weeks....a better score than two of his best friends [haha you SUCK Murphy and Kent!] So......just because I can't resist tormenting people, I RUBBED it in, showing off how I'm such a good friend and how, if he didn't get the same score on MY quiz, I'd disown him as a friend. And I pretended that I was serious. Very serious. But then, as I found out today, he got 9/10 on my quiz. Thus, he is my new hero.

Since he didn't get 10/10 he doesn't get a "ten point" tribute, but since he did SO well after only knowing me for a few weeks, and since he told Lo and Andrea that he was mad that I've never mentioned him on this website, I will give up:
"Five reasons why I love Bruce"
1. He acted as an "online guest speaker" for one of my lessons. Thanks Bruce, very helpful.
2. He knows EVERY word to "Blow my whistle, bitch" and "under pressure". Enough said.
3. He left a note on Lo's computer that said "Lauren is pretty" and that makes him the nicest guy around.
4. He kind of sort of has that "Harry Potter" look going on
5. He's from Whitby and as we all know, Whitby guys are pretty cool!

There you go, Bruce!


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