Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The Pen is Mightier.... first I just want to say that I LOVE the people on my floor. You guys are amazing!! I can't imagine having such an awesome group of people to be around all year. Sarah, Steph, Andrea, Kristin and Lauren....I can't believe how lucky I am to be around you guys all the time! Every weekend here lately has been even more fun than the one before. [edit: that was overly corny, I apologize] You are some of the most amazing, talented, creative, funny, supportive and caring people I've ever met and I don't think I'll ever have a year even close to as good as this one!

By the way, a fellow Peache, [Stephanie] has created an AMAZING blog site that is so entertaining to look at and then today, she (being her sweet self) said some very nice things about this site. Well I love you Steph and I could never, in 100 years be as close to as witty as you, missy. So anyone who has Steph on their msn, stop wasting your time here and check it out....or I guess you could check out both.

Tonight was another unproductive one.....I think I've just been pretty lazy since Christmas break. And I like writing down stuff here because I really miss all the writing I did in high school. Us science students need a creative outlet too! I also watched the last bit of Lost and chastised Jamie in the cafe for not coming to visit us on Monday Fun Day. Ohhhh and I bought a popsicle and forgot about it and it melted......and I wonder why my meal card is almost gone....

Then in walked Nick and Lee, which was great, because Nick had the nerve to challenge me on my love for Harry Potter and proceeded to ask me lots of questions. Well I don't visit Harry Potter websites everyday for nothin' and proceeded to answer all of his stupid little questions correctly: 1. Who was the best cast person of the 3rd movie? (Gary Oldman). 2. Who's playing Voldemort in the next movie (Ray Fiennes). 3. Who is playing Mad-eye Moody? (Brendan Gleesan, who played the king in Troy). Oh it was sweet, sweet satisfaction.
He ended up sulking away like a little girl who's mother won't let her buy ice cream.
So I challenged him to a Harry Potter trivia duel. It's ONNN! I can't even wait. Although he seems really knowledgeable so I'm a little scared now after talking so much trash.


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