Sunday, January 18, 2009

Good morning Melissa

Practice practice practice. We need to be at least as good as this:

How did I not think of this before?

Melissa and I are making a band and we are considering having an open audition soon. So far we have three members.

We are looking for people who:

1. are good at looking like they can play an instrument
2. look good while dressed up in animal costumes (other than squirrel and bee - those are already taken)
3. love dancing up a storm
4. would be willing to participate in a multi-part chicken dance

Serious inquiries only. Only those who we would like to come in for an audition will be notified. Thank you and good luck.

Melissa: "did you post again"


Editor's note

...because this will become an online diary of sorts, I apologize that it will most likely come across as completely self-absorbed. This is because my purpose is to document life for later self-reflection...not so much to entertain you.

So,if you've happened upon this by accident. I beseech you, go find a place of higher entertainment.

However, feel free to stay if you enjoy the miscellaneous musings of a university student with a slightly over-working imagination

Hopefully I will have some news of actual interest to report soon. Maybe I'll try to classically condition Melissa to salivate when she hears "beep" noises again...


Mission accomplished

My goal...

is to make Melissa so distracted from checking for updates that she goes on a crazy baking spree and makes cupcakes or something equally delicious.

Things that have changed...

1. Instead of short crazy hair, I now have quite long blonde locks
2. I switched out of health science into psychology...and then back in
3. I no longer receive weekly "lessons"
4. My love for the O.C. has been replaced with love for Gossip Girl
5. I rarely if ever drink vodka shots
6. I don't live in residence, and I never make gingerbread houses.

BUT, some things will never change...
1. I still have my "rubbers"
2. Harry Potter is still the shiznat (but so is Twilight)
3. I visit Med Syd a little bit too often
4. I still think that cute = weird

To all of my fans...

a.k.a myself since I'm pretty sure no one would ever read this...except maybe Melissa.

I would like to officially announce that after a 4 year hiatus, I am BACK!

I would also like to apologize for everything I wrote on this blog in the past, and for whatever makes it on to here in the future. I realized after going back to my old posts that even though they are embarrassing, they are also hilarious.

Melissa and I are currently chilling in her room. I stole a candy from her bowl today but she won't know that until she reads this.

To conclude, I just have a quick trivia question:

How many eyebrows was Mielkie born with?
Answer to follow....

Monday, June 27, 2005

Just a head's up.....

All of these pics can be enlarged by clicking on them!

Kodak moments



We asked Andrew if he could pretend that he was about to be hit by a train and he willingly obliged. Unfortunately, he ended up looking like, uh, he was doing something else entirely

More Santa's Village

<--Andrew REALLY hates Peacocks

Friday, May 27, 2005

Is it fate that I find myself typing away?

Alright, it's time for serious Carolyn to emerge for once. Because I have a little somethin' on my mind. Some DEEP THOUGHTS, if you will. And not the kind of deep thoughts that I usually enjoy, i.e. if you're ever walking along a road, always make sure to be carrying some sacks. That way, if someone comes by and asks you to help them carry something, you can be like, "no I can't...because I have these sacks." - Jack Hanley

No no no. This might even be deeper than that. And promise not to start yawning or crying or avoiding me when I say what it is I want to speak on. Yes, indeed, I would like to discuss fate. Because as you might've noticed, LOST has taken up a significant portion of my time of late (whoa, I'm even rhyming today....let me put down my plate, that cheese I must grate....bah, I'll never finish at this rate. Oh great.) And while re-watching all of the episodes with my family, I've started to look past Lock's freakiness to pay attention to what he has to say on the subject. And I like what I hear. See, as a sort-of science student, fate seems a little sketchy to me, even though I'm much more artsy than the average science student. I mean, it's altogether impossible to prove that it exists, isn't it? For example: a person meets the man of her dreams during a random encounter at a supermarket in Spain. It was fate for them to be together, right? But where exactly does compatibility become fate? And what then if they divorce after two weeks? Was it fate that they should share those two weeks of experiences together? Come on! I mean, there's circular reasoning if I've ever seen it! But still, despite it's seemingly weak foundations, there's still something to be said about it. Haven't you ever had an experience that you just can't shake afterwards, because you feel like it was meant to have happened to you that exact way, almost as if you dreamt it before. I sure have. And it's not as if believing in fate means you are buying into the idea that EVERYTHING is predetermined. My horoscope this morning said that I should remember that everything that will happen in my life was determined when I was born, and I should keep that in mind over the next few days....what a load of rubbish. But I do think that it's possible that there's a general path specific to each person's life, with many detours that lead back to that path.

However, fate definately seems to particularly apply to positive situations. For example, last week, I was offered a job, but then un-offered it due to circumstances completely outside of my control. I was pretty bummed out. Then this week, I was offered a dream job...I couldn't have picked something more perfect. "That explains why that other job didn't work out. This was meant to be", said my parents when I told them. But somehow, I doubt that they would've had the same mentality if I had told them that I couldn't find a job anywhere except McDonald's. People don't want to believe that the "hard-knocks" were preprogramed into their lives, as if in punishment. But the good stuff?? Bring it ON! Other people use the existance of fate to excuse their screw-ups. This generation, which has benefitted from the "chosen ones" from Star Wars to Harry Potter, is filled with people who say they didn't get a job because it "wasn't meant to be". Although this may be true, it is foolish to use the concept to divert blame.

Speaking of Harry Potter, incidentally, good old H.P. gave me one of my most lasting images of fate in my younger life. I was sitting at home watching Rosie O'Donnell on TV. She mentioned the Harry Potter books on the show.....this was long before they had reached any real popularity in Canada and I had never heard them mentioned. I never even read at that age, I was too concerned with more important, uh, cheerleading. (it's true). The books didn't even sound that good that she was describing, but I wrote out the complicated titles even so. Then I told my mom about them. I asked for them for my birthday, which was 8 months away. Normally such a request for a birthday present would've been completely ignored at that time of year, but my mom asked me what they were and took down the information. Weird. And then on my birthday, there they were. My mom had to explain what they were, because I had forgotten. Then when I started reading the first book, I hated it. I got as far as about page 16 everytime, and was beginning to wonder whether it was the most boring book ever written. Normally I would've tossed a book like that aside for something else, anything else, but I didn't. For some reason I pressed on. And here I am today, the biggest, dorkiest Harry Potter fan around. Case in point: yesterday my friend asked me what Dumbledore's full name is? My answer: Albus Percivus Wolfric Brian Dumbledore. I was right. Nice.

I know it sounds really corny and far fetched, but I really believe that I was meant to read the books. I was going through a rough stage in my life then, and I needed something to take away from what was a harsh everyday reality. And they did. Maybe that's part of the reason that I feel so loyal to the, really it's because the books are fucking awesome! But regardless, that incident made me rethink my skeptisism regarding fate. The magic in the books might not be real, but there seemed to be something magical about how they gave me something positive and happy to latch on to. Similarly, it seems like everyday there's a talk show about how a woman happens to meet a lifelong friend at the pinnacle of despair. A woman I know met her current husband (who's amazing!) when he was the police man who rescued her from her abusive former husband. Pretty amazing eh? But then again, some things are coincidence. Or good luck. Or good karma. Or whatever....but basically, I find it comforting to believe that maybe, just maybe, there is something out there, helping us on our way through life. And even if that force isn't really there, as I believe they are trying to show on Lost, just thinking it IS there can have the same effect.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Oh my God Lost. Oh my God oh my God oh my God

What the f*$%CK??? How could they do it? My God, how could the producers of Lost leave me (and everyone else) hanging like this? I mean, no doubt, it was an amazing finale, with lots of action and dynamite and creepiness tonight, but how am I going to wait 6 months for it to start again? HOW??

Whoa, they definately posed a lot of new questions tonight instead of answering them. Like what's with these "others" and their obsession with boys? Has Michael Jackson been seeking refuge on the island or something? And what about the monster-slash-security system-slash-weird wispy ghosty thing that took hold of Lock's ankle and then let go after being exploded? We need to know what that is already! And why is the "Black Rock" a boat in the middle of an island? And why did that random guy offer to go on the dynamite expedition, just to be blown up? Did anyone NOT see that coming?? [the red flag was when a token, previously unintroduced character, who happens to be fairly unattractive and very annoying, offers to go on a DANGEROUS jounrey with several strangers!] And why did the reward money amount for Kate match one of Hurley's numbers? And why did Lock smile so weirdly at Jack on the plane? And why does Jin suddenly seem to understand everything that Michael rambles on to him about? And is Sawyer dead? NOOOO my sweet sweet Sawyer! And why was Hurley reading that weird/magical spanish magazine with the polar bear in it on the plane? And why was Sawyer wearing his hair "sides back" like a girl would? And why hasn't Hurley been bad luck on the island until now? Or is it all in his head? And what was with Jack randomly meeting Miss. Michelle Rodriguez, relatively famous actress, before the plane flight? This is unlikely to be a random cameo, so when are they going to find the passengers from the back of the plane? And when is there going to be some island sex?? I mean, I know that sounds gross, but come ON, between Sayid/Shannon, Kate/Jack, Kate/Sawyer, Kate/anyone, Charlie/Claire, HELL even Sun/Jin, we're batting zero for five. And are they going to kill off Sawyer, Michael AND Jin, because last time I checked, they were all injured in the middle of the ocean, with no more trusty raft. And when Walt said that he and his father NEEDED to be on the raft instead of the island, I bet he didn't realize how much worse the raft could be. Where was your spidey-sense on that one, buddy?? ohhhhh so much to ponder.

Alright, that's enough questions for one night, although that only scratches the surface. I've been re-watching the season with my mom and sister, and there's just so much that they need to answer, it's sickening! JJ Abrams (the writer) better not disappoint me!

My main worry is that they'll start delving too far into the supernatural, with monsters and voices and ghosts (i.e. Jack's Dad). The island is mysterious. We get it. But the dramatic element of the show could end up getting a bit overwhelmed if the writer's focus on the wrong things. I like the idea of them exploring the idea of destiny and's just that, if the men who took Walt turn into walking skeletons in the moonlight who are returning to the Black Rock or Black Pearl or whatever, I'll be pretty mad. Because Lost is really the only show worth watching right now and I wouldn't want the writer's to go in that direction just for the sake of having something to write about. But who am I kidding? I'd watch it anyway.

So here I sit, patiently waiting for the next season to start, hoping I don't get LOST in the meantime. hahaha get it? L O S T??? Ohhh I crack myself up.....

Monday, May 16, 2005

I'd just like to say....

....that Andrea, you rock my world! I miss you and I wish we could watch the season finale of LOST together at Western, while simultaneously singing tunes from Wicked and eating ice cream. mmmmmmm

Friday, May 13, 2005

Jobless in Oakville I think I'm cursed from ever writing in this blog again. For the first time in forever, I decided to write something today, and when I went to do it, it just so happened that the "blog Gods AKA the administration" were closed for a ten minute period right then. Coincidence? I think NOT.

Being at home has been better than expected, mostly because my parents have been suprisingly nice about me not having a job yet. And I've gotten together with some friends from Oakville, and that whole things been kind of nice. But then I look at pictures of Peache and Western and stuff, and it starts to feel like that part of my life was a long time ago. I think part of it is because I was so sad to leave, so I've had to distance myself a little bit from it, just for a little while though, because I know that next year is going to be SO good. And this summer is going to be SO good too. Except one good ingredient of summer is about to be taken away:

Why do all the good tv shows have to end when you finally have time to watch them?
This summer, I've spent copious amounts of time watching tons of shows. American Idol. Amazing Race. Lost. America's Next Top Model. Lost. THe O.C. CSI. ER. Lost. The list goes on. But as season finales pass by, I will have less and less things to fill my days with.

Now, the next Harry Potter book comes out soon, I know, and that will definately give me something to do. For that short period that it takes me to read those 704 pages. But let's face it, the last book was even longer than this one, and I finished it in just over a day. Mind you, I hardly slept. More than something to do, I NEED to always have something to look forward to. I'm a bit anal that way. Each week, I anticipate the next Lost episode so much, it's kind of weird. I go through stages:

1. Excitement over the preview for the next episode
2. Dissapointment (right after an episode) b/c I won't have another episode for a week
3. Weaning period from about Friday until Sunday when I don't think about it
4. Anxiety- when will Wednesday come?
5. Tuesday night- extreme excitement- Lost is tomorrow!!
6. Wednesday morning- a few butterflies in stomach- it's so soon
7. Wednesday right before--> I just feel pretty freakin' great.

Now, those steps are slightly less exaggerated now, b/c outside of Peache, I don't know a whole lot of people who watch the show, who I can obsess with. But there will still be that part of me that will be empty with Lost done soon. [tear], what am I going to do with myself? Therefore, I think I need a new hobby. I'm open to suggestions.

This thus concludes my most pointless blog yet. Not a distinction that I value, but I'll take it, and promise that I'll try to find something interesting to write about next time. Until then.


Jon. I noticed you think that my blogs are like novels. Interesting. But I prefer to think of them as ......well, novels I guess. Damn it. Okay, I'll try to start editing them since I have too much time on my hands as it is.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Sorry for being neglectful....

Yes I know I haven't been posting lately. But that's all going to change this summer. I'm hoping to update several times a week! YAY