Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Oh my God Lost. Oh my God oh my God oh my God

What the f*$%CK??? How could they do it? My God, how could the producers of Lost leave me (and everyone else) hanging like this? I mean, no doubt, it was an amazing finale, with lots of action and dynamite and creepiness tonight, but how am I going to wait 6 months for it to start again? HOW??

Whoa, they definately posed a lot of new questions tonight instead of answering them. Like what's with these "others" and their obsession with boys? Has Michael Jackson been seeking refuge on the island or something? And what about the monster-slash-security system-slash-weird wispy ghosty thing that took hold of Lock's ankle and then let go after being exploded? We need to know what that is already! And why is the "Black Rock" a boat in the middle of an island? And why did that random guy offer to go on the dynamite expedition, just to be blown up? Did anyone NOT see that coming?? [the red flag was when a token, previously unintroduced character, who happens to be fairly unattractive and very annoying, offers to go on a DANGEROUS jounrey with several strangers!] And why did the reward money amount for Kate match one of Hurley's numbers? And why did Lock smile so weirdly at Jack on the plane? And why does Jin suddenly seem to understand everything that Michael rambles on to him about? And is Sawyer dead? NOOOO my sweet sweet Sawyer! And why was Hurley reading that weird/magical spanish magazine with the polar bear in it on the plane? And why was Sawyer wearing his hair "sides back" like a girl would? And why hasn't Hurley been bad luck on the island until now? Or is it all in his head? And what was with Jack randomly meeting Miss. Michelle Rodriguez, relatively famous actress, before the plane flight? This is unlikely to be a random cameo, so when are they going to find the passengers from the back of the plane? And when is there going to be some island sex?? I mean, I know that sounds gross, but come ON, between Sayid/Shannon, Kate/Jack, Kate/Sawyer, Kate/anyone, Charlie/Claire, HELL even Sun/Jin, we're batting zero for five. And are they going to kill off Sawyer, Michael AND Jin, because last time I checked, they were all injured in the middle of the ocean, with no more trusty raft. And when Walt said that he and his father NEEDED to be on the raft instead of the island, I bet he didn't realize how much worse the raft could be. Where was your spidey-sense on that one, buddy?? ohhhhh so much to ponder.

Alright, that's enough questions for one night, although that only scratches the surface. I've been re-watching the season with my mom and sister, and there's just so much that they need to answer, it's sickening! JJ Abrams (the writer) better not disappoint me!

My main worry is that they'll start delving too far into the supernatural, with monsters and voices and ghosts (i.e. Jack's Dad). The island is mysterious. We get it. But the dramatic element of the show could end up getting a bit overwhelmed if the writer's focus on the wrong things. I like the idea of them exploring the idea of destiny and's just that, if the men who took Walt turn into walking skeletons in the moonlight who are returning to the Black Rock or Black Pearl or whatever, I'll be pretty mad. Because Lost is really the only show worth watching right now and I wouldn't want the writer's to go in that direction just for the sake of having something to write about. But who am I kidding? I'd watch it anyway.

So here I sit, patiently waiting for the next season to start, hoping I don't get LOST in the meantime. hahaha get it? L O S T??? Ohhh I crack myself up.....


Blogger jon said...

television show.

10:03 PM  
Blogger Carolyn said...

Jon, please explain further. If you are trying to insinuate that Lost is just a television show, you would be...well right, but although it is a television show, it encourages thought and discussion from viewers. The writers do not dumb down anything but rather assume that the viewing audience is intelligent. Thus, although Lost is merely a form of entertainment, it is entertainment at its best!!

6:39 PM  

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